In-Motion News Report – September 2023

September 2023

“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day”

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You will find the latest marketing/sales news, website updates, product information, and more, so bookmark this webpage location for future relevance as it’s not accessible via the IIS website.

Please feel free to share your feedback and suggestions to help us improve via Tina Ebmeyer at

Thank you for your time

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Sales Team Meeting logo

Next Rep Meeting  – Feb 2024

Dates to be determined

Keep an eye out for our invite email 😉



Featured Product – Brushless Servo Motors

Motor/Drive SpecificationsBrushless Servo Motors GIF

Selecting the proper motor and drive combination for a motion control application depends on the analysis of the load that is to be driven by its performance goal.  A performance goal requires specifics of how far, how fast, and how often a given load needs to move.  Motion analysis determines the peak and rated horsepower a motor and drive combination needs to produce to perform as required.   The proper definition of the load and the actuator design should be as accurate as possible.

With the actuator size and the size of the load defined, the optimum performance will also determine the proper gearing between the motor and the load needed to achieve the goal.  Gearing selection is a trade-off between speed and torque at the given horsepower.   Varying a belt pulley ratio, lead-screw pitch, roll feed diameter, and/or gearbox ratio in the actuator design are examples of the gearing analysis that allows the designer to select the motor and drive combination that gives optimum system performance.

Optimum performance can be a tradeoff between system cost and initial goals.  Industrial Indexing Systems, works with our customers to achieve those goals and guarantees an agreed-upon performance standard.

Check out our motor categories at:


Coming Soon!

  • IIS InMotion Newsletter – NEW focus on INDUSTRY TOPICS and IIS BLOGS
  • Excyte Motion Series – Agyle Drive NEW Product Launch